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Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Artisian Class

Art for Art's Sake

Not all Sarrans are Warriors. Some Sarran Offspring show an early talent for artistry and are apprenticed to Master Craftsmen. The piece on the left is a apprentice's first test in his craft to climb the ladder to journeyman.

The Arts thrived on Sarran prior to the Iptz. A perfect pot, a superbly worded novel, a brilliant composition, received as much respect as the derring do of the WarriorPair.

The Zyptz War and its aftermath put a period to one of the greatest periods of Sarran Arts and Crafts. The Apprentice who crafted this piece at age eleven which showed so much promise, was killed when the Plague took away his family. He had locked himself in a closet in the Apprentice's Hall and wasn't found for weeks. The Sarran equivalent of a coroner postulized that the offspring was too frightened to leave the closet and was overlooked in the planet wide emergency that resulted from the Iptz attack.

In the days I have spent on Brightstar, I have found many incidents such as this that were either in the ship archives or described to me in detail by a member of the crew. The dual sciences of phychiatry and psychology are unknown to this culture. This is a problem which we, the women of Earth will have to tackle planetwide and soon. Every Warrior on this ship suffers from a degreee of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

I have also observed sociopathic behavior in a person of rank and I know not who to tell.

Cynthia Rose Edwina Sinclair

Journal, July 26th 9:00 am

These are the thoughts of Cyn Sinclair, psychologist and former prostitute who, although befriended by Dr. Anya Forrrseter, is an outcast among the Earthen women because of her former profession.

For additional insight into Cyn's observations read The Sarran Plague by AC Katt. The Sarran Plague is availaable from Eternal Press in an electronic format and from in print. Please visit the for additional information on the Sarrans and to enter her contests and join in scheduled chats.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In Honor of Earth Day

and Location...
A civilization that survived on their home planet for untold numbers of cycles has three things that many other failed inhabited worlds lacked. The first is sheer luck. The Sarran home world is located well away from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy on one of the less populated spiral arms. The placement of Sarran's star system put the planet out of the main traffic lanes for planet eating asteroids, climate altering meteors and visits from further developed war like civilizations that may have existed before the Sarrans but did not survive their own aggression. Absurdly, the Sarran's long lived civilization depended on the same mantra that every Earthen Real Estate Salesperson is given with their license, "Location, location, location." The second part of the survival triad is a planetwide civilization that began to cooperate early on issues that affected their home environment. The third is simply to learn from their mistakes rather than to persist in repeating them. In the earliest times there were major environmental disasters with fossil fuel and the unsafe use of nuclear fission. Once the Sarran Clans became aware of the environmental damage created by using fossil fuel, the ruling council incorporated the research results brought to them by the brilliant scientist Tezacron, Prince of AirClan, and incorporated his findings into Sarran Common Law long before the Codex. Fossil Fuel consumption was slashed by a quarter, planet wide each cycle thus encouraging the discovery of an alternative. Manufacturing Facilities that released nuculear waste into the ecosystem were closed immediately and soon replaced by others that ran on cold fusion. The Sarrans knew from the start that their planet was the only thing that stood between their civilization and the great void. Watching others slip into the morass of greed at the expense of a healthy environment that produced healthy inhabitants; the Sarrans did the unusual. They learned from the history of others rather than go their own way and repeat a long line of environmental catastrophe that would result in the downfall of the entire humanoid population of the sphere. The one time the Sarrans forgot this cardinal rule sowed the seeds of their future dilemna and brought the planetwide civilization to its knees in the ClanWars. The result of that scientific catastrophe -- even though a solution was sought and found, made the Sarrans vunerable in a way that they did not anticipate during the Zyptz Wars.

The Sarran Plague is available from Eternal Press in electronic format and at in print. Check out for previous episodes of The Sarran Histories or you can go to A preview video is available for viewing at Sincerely,

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Codex, Harsh Justice from the Goddess

The Codex

Ulna, a Harsh Mistress

What kind of culture does a twenty thousand year old civilization exhibit? The Sarrans have been in space this time for a nine thousand year uninterrupted interval. This is a very old culture. Is it stratified? How does a culture with a governing body that has retained the same form for almost ten milenium function? I had to answer these questions before I put a finger to the keyboard to write The Sarran Plague.

My first thought was that a ancient, still thriving culture would have to be seen by its citizenery as essentially fair. However success was measured in the society, every citizen must have the opportunity to obtain that success. The opportunity should be absolute, every citizen has an opportunity to succeed in whatever field they choose, no exceptions.

When I thought about what that entailed, I realized that every Sarran citizen had to have access to basic human rights, other than those ou
tlined in the United States constitution. I would call those rights the cornerstone of a just society. I thought about what I considered to be basic human rights as opposed to liberties. I thought about survival and what we need to survive. However, humanity needs not only to survive, but also to thrive. It was at that point that the Sarran Codex came to life. This document was presented to the Sarrans as a whole cloth by their Goddess, Ulna of the White Moon through Zorna.

What measures would a Goddess take to insure the viability of her people? The answer was very simple. A Goddess does not think of liberty, or freedom, that is up to the citizenry. She does, however, think of

Rights of Birth

  • Shelter - from birth you are guaranteed shelter.
  • Sustenance - from birth you will never feel hunger
  • Education - from birth until death you will have the right to learn
  • Medical Care - from birth you will be given the best care available. Should you sicken, all effort will be expended to make you well.
Even as ever part of the Tierest Tree has value, be it leaf, vine, branch, root , flower or fruit, so do all of my off and femspring. They are the planet's best resource and its best weapon against an unknowable future. First, they are, in my heart. They come before all else.

Lessons Learned at a High Price

The rock on which I chose to build the Sarran Civilization was the codex. Since I made the law Goddess given, it would be the ultimate authority.

Like all lessons learned at a high price, the Sarrans learned the value of the Codex. It's value to the civilization would be an enduring legacy for the planet to hold to
when confronted with the next disaster.

The Codex listed all offenses that Sarran could commit against Sarran. Each of these in turn had a fixed and immutable penalty. In Sarran Law there are no extenuating circumstances, even if the offender was a child. The law was hard but just. All citizens were equal under Sarran Law. If you broke the law, you had a hearing. You were given every resource that the planet could provide to prove your innocence. However, if adjudged guilty, there was no appeal. Along with the Codex, Ulna gave the gift of Triad. Triad and the Codex stabilized the Sarran Culture and population for over nine thousand years.

Visit our sister blog at where you can learn more about The Sarrans and other projects, or got to where AC will post exerpts and blurbs from pending works and answer any and all questions on the Sarrans.

The Sarran Plague will be available on April 7, 2009 from:

to be continued...


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