Sarran, known as the Planet of the Seven Moons, is one of the oldest civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy. Located in one of the less densely populated spiral arms under a white sun, the Sarrans managed to survive natural disasters, disease and the destruction of wars of aggression.
There are those who believe that the rapid development of civilization on Sarran had more to do with the geography of the planet than any natural tendency toward a superior genetic heritage. The planet’s landmass consisted of a single continent crisscrossed by abundant rivers, lakes and streams.
The Taragrassa Mountains form the northern border of the continent, the Sarranna Desert, the southern border. The topography of Sarran precluded any natural barriers that could form isolated populations. Therefore, the Sarran People settled early into a four tribe system based on their geographical location. The northern tribe was the LightClan, named in antiquity for the long summer evenings.
The southern tribe became FireClan and called the desert their home. The clans of the east and west were Water and Air. However, they disappeared during the ClanWars. The Sarran People are one of the oldest space faring races in the Milky Way Galaxy. As a young civilization Sarran technology pushed out past the planetary boundaries, exploring near space and far space at a time when most other civilizations were in their infancy. Sarran Historians have proof in the Codex Archives that their Warriors were in Space for at least twenty millennia.
The Sarrans carried one of the oldest and purest strains of the original strains of humanoid DNA. The Sarran humanoids survived natural disasters, wars, and scientific apocalypse for billions of cycles. Alliance geneticists believed that all humanoids descended from a common genotype that was seeded throughout the galaxy by one of the First Races, who, when they ventured out into space, found themselves alone. Legend says that a great epidemic pulled the first ones home. They knew their race was dying and so to prevent future genocide, they seeded every planet even remotely habitable by their genotype so that their type of life would remain.
Over cycles, the humanoid races evolved according to planetary conditions and in time learned the sciences of molecular biology, nanotechnology and genetic engineering making the inhabitants of each planet still human but notably different from their counterparts. Since the Sarran were one of the earliest civilizations after the First, they embraced genetic engineering about one thousand years after their initial venture into space. At first, interference in the natural process of evolution was only condoned to eliminate genetic defects and cure genetically induced disease. That work soon expanded into optimizing for certain character traits for future offspring.
The Codex has no record of what the Scientists attempted in the first manipulations. However, they went horribly wrong. The first generation of off and femspring were normal. After five generations of manipulation, the Sarran male became the perfect warrior. He was intelligent, well formed and strongly muscled. His eye/hand coordination was near perfection. However, as the warriors grew in stature and intelligence, and began to tap the smallest of the psychic powers locked into the humanoid genotype, the number of fems born gradually decreased to the point where the Clans reverted to violence to capture a mate for their warriors.
The situation soon threw the four clans into war and all the Sarran fleet was called home to duty. Each man joined their clan to fight for the fems and survival.
to be continued...